Becky Elder Keeps the Carnivale Parade Characters In Line

Every Parade needs someone to keep it moving, but not have the participants not on top of each other.

Becky has done this for many years.

Ready to participate in Manitou Springs Canrivale

And on this cold and snowy day, Carnivale Parade participants wanted to get moving as fast as possible once the parade began. But that means they get bunched up and make the parade not as enjoyable for those watching it go by.

Library & Puppets at Manitu Springs Carnivale

The riders of bikes, stilt walkers and dancers can slow down the parade, and those behind need to be aware and entertain the crowd by tossing beads or waving and doing some circular walking to show off their costumes.

The parade’s theme was Phoenix Rising and there was a great float that totally embraced that idea.

Phoenix Rising Theme Float for Manitou Springs Canrivale

Here Becky is checking on the progress before letting the Phoenix float with flamingo attendants join in the parade. Jack Elder, seen to the left of the float has made this event happen for many years. The Chamber has joined in, but he is the guiding force behind making the parade such a fun community event. This year,it was the largest parade to date with the second coldest weather not keeping participants away.

Alice in Wonderland at Manitou Springs Canrivale

Alice in Wonderland had some of the most fun characters and probably the most chilly! Yet they were smiling and laughing all the way along the Carnivale parade route in downtown Manitou Springs. They were definitely very colorful characters who got the crowd cheering as they walked by.

Becky with Giant Puppets at Manitou Springs Canrivale

Becky chats with the Giant puppets as they wait for the right time for them to join the parade.

Becky Flamingoed & Lettuce in the Manitou Springs CanrivaleBecky directs our new Local Grocery participant on where she wants him to walk.

Is he really barefoot? Or are those the toe shoes? Still has to have really cold feet to walk in a parade!

Talking to a flamingo, she looks as if she has a colorful side to her also.

Becky is covered in beads that she tosses as she walks at the end of the parade.

Probably one of the most inventive “floats” was the weirdur bus.

Weirdur Bus in Manitou Springs Carnivale

Although the Pedal Bar did come a close second.

They were there last year and served up a fun time when they joined the parade in mid-route.

Pedal Bar in Manitou Springs Carnivale

And then there were some 4 legged creatures that joined in the fun.

Burros in Manitou Springs Carnivale

 This was a first Carnivale Parade that Burros participate in, and the crowd loved them!

On my Sunday Hike, we met two of them on the trail just as my camera ran out of battery life . . .

We learned that they participate in many races in Colorado and this was their first parade.

Man’s Best Friend joined in the fun.

Dogs 3 Views

Though not all seemed as happy about their position in the parade or having as much fun as their owners.

I always start walking from my house down to the park where everyone gathers. On my way I see people dressed to just be watching or on their way to join in the parade. I take photos in the park as participants gather and line-up. I stand on a bridge or other higher stone perch to take photos as they go past me at the beginning of the parade. Then I run up the street, and it is an uphill hike, to take photos in the downtown area. Next I take a final run up to where the parade ends and take more images. In the Soda Springs Park Pavilion the drummers who led the paraded continue to play and folks dance who were both in the parade and just watchers come and dance to the music.

There is always a bit of the absurd and some wickedly fun characters that just make this parade all the more interesting.

Wicked & White Rabbits at Manitou Springs Carnivale

One never knows what they will see each year at Manitou Springs Carnivale Parade.

Maybe you will come join us next year.

Don’t forget your FantaFaces Mask if you do!


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